Main  >  Software  >  SamViewer



EM image display and analysis

SamViewer is a 2D image display and analysis program, specifically designed for single-particle EM. SamViewer is written in wxPython, using Python Image Library(PIL) and Numpy. SamViewer works on both Linux and Windows, but is not yet tested on Mac due to the difficulties of installing the required libraries.

SamViewer Questions and Answers:

A Quick Start Guide (SVqsg.pdf) and other useful information are in Documentations.

For support, feedback and bug reports, please email author.

Get SV:

SamViewer is licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License version 3 (GPLv3).

Download links are at the bottom of this page.

Install SV:

Make sure you have Python-wxgtk2.8 and numpy
Extract the downloaded file to any folder, and include that folder in your system PATH.
Type “sv” or “sv 1” to enter mode 1, “sv 2” to mode 2, etc.
Python-wxgtk2.8 is not available after Ubuntu-14.04-LTS. You need to add trusty main repository to the list of repositories and then Python-wxgtk2.8 will be available for installation. (Thanks Reza Behrouzi.)
sudo add-apt-repository "deb trusty main universe"
